At present, Smart Aging LLC ships to all contiguous 48 USA States. All orders $49 and over ship free, and the vast majority of products are received within 1-3 business days (some products also have additional shipping options available). Products requiring shipment by freight trucking company will take longer and vary by product. We may under certain circumstances be able to ship to other locations, but please contact us before making any purchases. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. In general, we cannot at this time ship to Alaska, Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico or Guam.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Depending on the shipping provider you choose, shipping date estimates may appear on the shipping quotes page or the individual product page. Most all products shipped by UPS, FedEx, USPS and the like will be delivery within 1-3 business days of an order being placed, except where otherwise noted. Products shipped by common carrier tracking company generally take 5-10 business days maximum to be received. Custom items can of course take longer to ship and therefore deliver. Multiple item shipments may arrive in multiple packages, and could originate from multiple sources. If any shipping issues arise, we aim to contact customers within 24 hours.
We aim to always provide tracking information except in the rare instances, generally with trucking companies, where we have found that it may not ultimately be useful. We will communicate with you in other forms to help set your expectations and deliver upon them.
When items may involve a technician being part of the delivery and perhaps setup, delivery times can be affected based on availability.
We encourage you to be in touch with us regarding any shipping concerns, and we will attempt to always work with you to achieve maximum satisfaction.